
The rise of the Chinese Motorcycle/ATV business….

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In the middle of February, I spent a busy weekend in Indianapolis at the Motorcycle Dealer Expo. The Dealer Expo is a huge convention held at the Indianapolis convention center. The event fills the whole expo center and even the attached football stadium floor where the Colts play and two of the hotels next door.

Walking out into the RCA Dome’s field was a surreal experience. The field where all American football is played, row after row of Chinese motorcycles and ATV’s were setup for display. ATV’s, especially side by side rhino type were heavily represented on the stadium floor. Surrounding these products was A large staff of Chinese and American salesmen, helping the hoard of dealers looking at all the products This was not 2 or 3 companies, but well over 30 to 40 companies selling products to eager American dealers.

Taking a step back, my wife commented how Middle America these dealers appeared. We are not talking about Big City and Anti-American Californians looking at these vehicles. It was the middle America, walmart shopping, Gun Loving, God Fearing, Flag Waving, America first stereotype that you see in all 50 states. Many a person discussing these vehicles, were proudly sporting a mullet, wearing blue jeans and even wearing vests that proclaimed how great the USA is. All the while, these people were actively shopping which Chinese ATV to bring back home and sell to people just like them.

I am sure I am stereotyping these people. And I should be thought not to make these judgments on just how a person looks. But on the surface to me, you still you can not get away the fact that the world have changed. The action on the field seemed as if this was the great gold rush of 1849 and everyone needed to get into the action. Vendor space after vendor space packed indistinguishable power sports vehicles in generic colors of Black, Red, Yellow and Blue. Seats were wrapped in plastic more related to what covers a child’s toy than a motor vehicle.

As I wondered around the field, the surface quality of these vehicles were amazing. On the surface these ATV’s and Motorcycles look to have all the right stuff. Knobby tires, piggyback shocks, chromed control arms, fancy graphics and even a head lamp or two. Looking closer the quality seems to be just on the surface and the parts just were not the right stuff after all Tire brands were ones that I have never heard of before, cheng shin appears to be a premium brand that is few and far between. Shocks with anodized body’s in lovely colors, paired with colored springs and fittings and sporting names close but not exactly the same as Fox and Ohlins. The fancy graphics on the bodywork, covered poorly made plastic that many times looked even cheaper on the inside than the outside. No plastic polish was going to rise a shine from these parts.

Considering all of this, the Walmart generation just kept coming and coming. The people spent time asking questions, making orders and discussing their hopes and dreams about selling these products. The focus was on how they could turn these Chinese products into big profits Hardly a word was spoken about safety, quality or long term viability of these products. The focus was on how easy it was to ship these items in cardboard crates, how to market the products and how much money could be made. No doubt, this is the American dream to find that great product and provide it at a great price.

In the fore front we find Americana salesmen making promises and claims about the Chinese products to the walmart generation who came to buy. In the background stood the Chinese makers and their support staff, many of whom looked disconnected from the whole event. All the while “exotic” dancer types were nearly undressed were signing autographs and taking pictures with the walmart generation. The plastic sales people and plastic eye candy matched the products being sold. Good looking at first glance, but maybe not as deep as we desire in the long term.

Taking a step back, I wondered how much time was devoted to designing these products. They looked like they had the right stuff. But with 30+ companies in attendance, did every company take time to investigate their products. Did they considerer how safe they were, how well they preformed, how durable they would be? From my removed point of view, it is hard for me to see that. I saw the same ATV sold with knobby tires, slicks, grooved “rounded” tires that looked like mini 330 rear motorcycle tires and even a ATV with 17” motocross wheels and spokes. To many differences on one platform to have been considered carefully in my limited judgment I still can not believe that 17” motocross rims with spokes would stand up to the side loads an ATV puts out.

We are at a crossroads in America While we wave the flag proudly and claim our desire for USA #1, in the background we do something different. We embrace the idol of discount prices and a disposable lifestyle. Quality is not as important that just good enough and throw it away when it brakes. If it looks like what we need right now, then that is all we need.

To be honest I don’t know how much of a leg I have to stand on with this. I work foreign national company, I have never driven a vehicle made by a Big 3 car company. In addition I have never owned an American motorcycle, or an Americana TV. I like saving money by going to CostCo to shop for discount products. I buy many a tool at “Harbor Freight”, knowing full well the quality is not the same as many tools at Sears. But I can not help myself as the tool is only 25% the price and I plan to use it once or twice in my life.

But I guess I feel ok, because I don’t wave the American flag and wrap myself in the glory of God and Country. But I think that might be short sighted and self centered of me. Could I be part of the problem that propels this thinking forward.

Still it is fascinating how the walmart generation is embracing the Chinese motorsports revolution. I wonder what their motive is? Do they believe this is a ground floor opportunity? Or is it something less noble… the chasing of immediate dollars today.
